Sunday, April 26, 2009

2 Days after the Camp-Fire

Campfire in SMK Sri Sentosa was really awesome... I made a lot of friends... Representratives from our school were truly less.... We only got 15people going there...

There were a lot of girls too... They are "night-er's" Once the sun sets, the voice rises... Everyone was like getting insane... Shouting, screaming, taking autographs... There weren't any discipline...

I don't know why, although I'm not that handsome but a lot of them wants autograph from me... Whoa, i signed more than 20 autographs... But I only got 5 autographs T.T...

I am looking forward for the next camp-fire...

Friday, April 24, 2009

One more day to go...

I seldom join co-curriculum sctivities. I am the type of person who is lazy to join those type of borin' activities especially 'disiplinaries'. But I got a chance to join a camp-fire held at SMK Sri Sentosa.

Heard from them there is a guy which wants, but doesn't have the chance to do so... Because he had no attenance to the scouts this year, the scouter said he gave me a chance because I attended ONCE ONCE... I was thinking, if I didn't go for the campaign, cleaning up the school, I wouldn't have chance to do so... I think I am lucky, really lucky...

However, my phone was like going to explode... It doesn't explode by itself but I'll make it explode... I hate the MicroSD slot... It always shoot the SD card out... GoDD**n it..!!

I want a W595i to become phone's sucessor, who will contribute it to me??

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A video I loved...

"Vincent" and "appreciate" by Raymond Lam and Linda Chung


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I am that knida person

As a blogger, I think I should intro myself....

Name: "Unknown"
Nickname: Kazu, Zave
Age: 14
Status: Single, maybe searching for one...
School: The most famous Kajang High School
Hobbies: Blogging, and chatting via sms
HP no.: If you wanna know, peep my blog often...
Other inquiries: To know more, pls add my msn:

This is my new blog, although I am not new to blog... I've learnt blogging years ago... By the way, I am a very cold-blooded person, so do not expect any mercy from me...